
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Brussel sprouts

Brussel sprouts...I know what you're thinking....EEEEWWWW!!! Yeah, that's what I thought too when I found a whole stinkin' bag of these babies in my Bountiful Basket this week. I don't think I've even had one in the past 15 years, and I certainly don't know how to cook them.

But, I figured I'd give them a try. All I did was cut them in half, sautee them in a little bit of olive oil (2 tsp), garlic and salt (for about 10 minutes). When they were almost done, I added 1 Tbsp of Brie cheese and let it melt.

And let me tell you, they were amazing! I almost cooked up the rest of the bag later after dinner they were so good. I'm actually excited to make them again tonight!

Anyone else have a good recipe for brussel sprouts? Or other seemingly gross vegetables?

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