
Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Comparison is the thief of joy. ~Theodore Roosevelt 

I came across this quote today and loved it. How true is that? I am definitely guilty of comparing myself to others. But even more so, I am guilty of comparing myself to my past self (you know, the one who ran the marathon and was great at her job and did this and that, etc. etc.). And that's not healthy either. I am in a different stage of life now and I need to remember that. And just focus on being the best I can TODAY. Even if it's not better than I was yesterday. Because some days are just like that. But if I can be the best I can TODAY, I think there is real joy in that.

How do you avoid comparisons?

Monday, October 28, 2013

5 lbs and goals

So I've been doing the strength-training program for 2 weeks now, and I have lost 5 pounds! But more importantly, I feel stronger and smaller.

I've decided that my goals for this 3-month program aren't going to be how many pounds or inches I hope to lose, but I'm going to make goals for my efforts. are my commitments:

1. I will complete all the workouts each week (3 weight-lifting sessions, 2 cardio, abs, and 1 yoga). I'm giving myself 2 rest days a week, so if I miss a workout on one of my scheduled days, I can make it up on a rest day.

2. I will at least plan all of my meals and snacks the night before for the next day (at least 5 days a week). I probably won't stick to it 100% all the time, but at least I'll have a plan.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Meal Plan Monday

I am SORE! This weight-lifting thing is going great and I am really enjoying it so far. I've also been planning every meal & snack each night for the next day, and that is working out great.

This week's meal plan:

M: spaghetti w/ brocoli
T: potstickers w/ stirfry veggies
W: salmon w/ brussel sprouts
Th: chicken veggie penne
F: date night (Matt's turn to pick)
S: chili (@ our neighborhood Halloween party)
S: Fam dinner at my parents' house

This weekend I had 3 social events. So I came up with a plan to stay on track. I filled at least 1/2 my plate with fruits and veggies and the other 1/2 could be whatever else. And no seconds. It worked pretty good I think and I will be using it for this weekend's parties too.

-grilled chicken & spinach wrap
-tuna sandwich
-ham & bean soup
-chicken salad wrap
-ham sandwich

-hummus or Laughing Cow cheese w/ celery sticks
-fruit (pears, grapes or apples w/PB)
-Triscuits w/ cottage cheese or Laughing Cow cheese
-string cheese

For breakfasts, I usually do a smoothie with toast or an omelet or scrambled eggs or something. Or oatmeal.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Remember my neighbor Dean? The one who won the Kona Inspired contest thanks to your votes? Well, the Kona Ironman race was held last weekend and Dean was there! Despite his recent brain cancer surgery, he was there...ready to race! He completed the swim (2.4 miles) and here he is at Mile 106 (of 112) on the bike.

Photo: He just passed at mile 106. Strong and steady. It was very emotional. Our Dad is our Hero!!

They have cutoff times for each portion of the race, and if you don't meet them you get pulled off the course. Dean got pulled off at Mile 107 of the bike. He was only 5 miles short! He didn't get to complete the run portion (a marathon...26.2 miles), but I think he is amazing! He still did the full swim and 96% of the bike of the most elite IRONMAN course. This was only 4 months after having brain surgery, and while living with brain cancer. Talk about inspiration.

Since Dean could not do the run portion of the race, the next day his family members each took a portion of the 26.2 miles and ran it for him. I love this!

I love the spirit of teamwork that the entire Bullock family has shown through this experience. Thank you Team IronDean for your awesome example of pulling together and showing us that "anything is possible".

Monday, October 14, 2013

Let's get this party started

I really can't believe I'm going to post these, but I really want to have some motivation for my strength-training program that I started today. So, here are my "before" pics. I decided to wear tighter clothes than I normally take these pics in so that I could really see some differences throughout the next 3 months.

I can usually cover up those rolls and my thunder thighs with different clothes, but these are the areas I need to target here. Anyway, so here it is...mostly for my own motivation and benefit.

I did the first workout this morning, and it went pretty well. I'm actually excited to focus more on strengthening my muscles and toning up these next few months.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Join me

So I am doing one of Erika's challenge groups that starts Monday, Oct. 14. I mentioned I had been talking to her about a strength-training program, and I am going to do it! Who wants to join me? You don't have to do strength-training program to be part of the group....Erika can help you pick a program that is right for you.

The challenge is 3 months long, so it'll get us through the holiday season with support, motivation, nutrition plans, workouts, etc. It's kind of like having an online personal trainer!

I think the last day to sign up is next Monday, and it does have a cost. But it's much cheaper than a personal trainer and you get workouts, meal plans, etc.

I have seen awesome results from people who have done these challenge groups, so I am excited to join one! I know that I have much more success when I have someone to motivate me and hold me accountable. If you're interested, check out her FB page and message her for more info.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My workout room

In our new house, I actually get to have a room dedicated to be a workout room! I actually prefer to get out of the house and go outside or to the gym to work out, but that's not an option for me every day (I have to trade gym days with the hubby) so it's nice to have this space.

In our workout room, we have an elliptical, a bike trainer, a punching bag, some free hand weights, yoga mats, an exercise ball, and we store our bikes there too. We've got a TV mounted on the wall, a DVD player and our stereo.

Sometimes I tape up workouts to the wall. One of these days I want to paint it a fun color. Or maybe do some chalkboard or magnetic paint to post things on the wall.

But this is my favorite part of the exercise room...our race wall! These are all our numbers and medals from races we have done. It makes me happy every time I see it.

Where do you work out? Do you prefer the gym or exercising at home? What color should I paint my workout room? :)

Garden goodness

I've been using all the produce from our garden this week. Yesterday I made homemade salsa, chocolate zucchini bread, and we also had a watermelon from the garden. Yum!

The recipe for the skinny chocolate zucchini bread can be found here. It's not super sweet because it is made with applesauce, zucchini, whole wheat flour, no butter, and not a ton of sugar. But I think it's delicious.

Homemade salsa is one of my absolute favorites!!!! We have almost eaten that whole bowl full in one day! I put in: 1 onion, 1 pepper, 2 jalepenos, 1 bunch of cilantro, about 8-10 tomatoes, juice from 2 limes, and salt. I just chopped everything up in my food processor and mixed it together. It is amazing!

What are your favorite recipes using stuff from your garden?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ab challenge recap

So in the past 30 days of doing this ab challenge, I have lost an inch in my waist! I haven't really been focusing on anything else, so I'm pleased with these results. I loved doing this challenge and having someone to be accountable to. I did every single exercise on that list. I missed 2 days, but I made up the exercises the next day.

I'm excited for my next strength-training challenge!