
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My workout room

In our new house, I actually get to have a room dedicated to be a workout room! I actually prefer to get out of the house and go outside or to the gym to work out, but that's not an option for me every day (I have to trade gym days with the hubby) so it's nice to have this space.

In our workout room, we have an elliptical, a bike trainer, a punching bag, some free hand weights, yoga mats, an exercise ball, and we store our bikes there too. We've got a TV mounted on the wall, a DVD player and our stereo.

Sometimes I tape up workouts to the wall. One of these days I want to paint it a fun color. Or maybe do some chalkboard or magnetic paint to post things on the wall.

But this is my favorite part of the exercise room...our race wall! These are all our numbers and medals from races we have done. It makes me happy every time I see it.

Where do you work out? Do you prefer the gym or exercising at home? What color should I paint my workout room? :)

1 comment:

  1. I prefer to go walking or jogging outside! But I don't always have the guts to publicly exercise to 99% of the time I do the elliptical or workout videos at home. I don't have the option to go to the gym! I say you paint it a bright, happy color that makes you smile! I don't know what color that would be, but I would pick a lighter color. Maybe a fun, light yellow?? You'll have to post after pics when you paint it. I'm excited to see what you pick! How fun to have such a nice workout room!! I can't wait till I have EXTRA rooms in my house... haha.
